Заверши предложения, выбрав нужную форму глагола. 1)it's seven o'clock in the morning. mary (is/are) making sandwinches for breakfast. 2) (do/does) margaret like chocolate? -no, she (don't/doesn't). 3) what (do/does) you usually have for breakfast? -some yougurt and a hamburger. 4) (are/is) there any tomatoes at home? 5) i (like/likes) sandwiches and hamburgers, but pizza (is/are) my favourite. 6)what (is/are) the girls doing? -they (is/are) making omelette. they often (have/are having) omelette for breakfast. 7)mr nelson (begin/begins) his day with some mineral water. 8)they usually (make/are making) salad for lunch. but now mum (cooks/is cooking) soup. пп

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Заверши предложения, выбрав нужную форму глагола. 1)it's seven o'clock in the morning. mary (is/are)...

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