А. заполните предложения личными местоимениями. 1. lives in moscow. 2. go into their classroom and sit down at the tables. 3. “does … sometimes meet his friends at the office? ” “yes, … does.” 4. … have our english in the morning. 5. … doesn’t speak english to her teacher. 6. … don, t learn english, … learn french. 7. do … have lesson in the morning? b. заполните пропуски предлогами, где необходимо. 1. my friend likes playing … chess. he spends a lot … time … it. yesterday he played ches … six … the evening and only got … home … ten. 2. we spent sunday … the country. we went … there early … the morning and got back … town late … the evening. 3. we decided to ask our friends … dinner tomorrow. … dinner we, re going … central park. 4. what are we having … dinner today? 5. we live … a block … flats … the centre … leningrad. our flat, s … the ground floor. there are three rooms … it. 6. my grandparents work … a collective farm which is not very far … moscow. c. расположите слова таким образом, чтобы получились предложения. 1. usually, it, me, to get, takes, my, an hour, to, office; 2. it, him, this, took, days, book, to read, ten; 3. her, takes, it, breakfast, twenty minutes, to have, always; 4. take, did, how long, it, to do, you, your, homework? d. переведите прилагательные на язык и образуйте их степени сравнения. узкий, грязный, широкий, важный, маленький, тонкий, голодный, красивый, плохой, счастливый, странный, удобный, сердитый, громкий. e. заполните пропуски одним из следующих слов: else, more, still, other, another, yet. 1. what … books be dickens, besides oliver twist, did you read in your childhood? 2. who … wants to take part in this performance? 3. how many … days shall we travel about the country? 4. will anybody … take part in the performance? 5. i think he’s … in the office, he doesn’t usually leave till seven. 6. what … would you like to buy? 7. would you like to say anything … ? 8. i’ll have … cup of tea. i’m … thirsty. 9. i can’t go to the theatre today. ask someone … to join you. 10. what … foreign languages does your friend speak?

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