Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в past indefinite и past continuous yesterday, as i(walk)down thestrand, i(meet)george, an old friend of mine. he(recognize)me at once, thoughi(wear)a scarf round my face as i(suffer)from toothache. he(tell)me how sorru he was to see me insuch a poor way, and(add): "i(come)to see you a fortnight ago but unfortunately we(prepare)the annual accounts and as one of my colleagues(be) ill, i could not find time to get round to you."all the time he(say)this, i(try)to remember something i(want)to tell him. eventually i(remember)and(say)to him: "just before i(come)out, i(receive)a letter from smith, in which he(say)that he(hope)you would call in him soon. he last(see)you at marion's birthday party but you(talk)so animatedly to the chairman of roberson's that he(not, dare)interrupt! "just then i(see)another friend of mine: he(wave)to me from the other side of the road. i(say)goodbye to george and (start)to cross the road; while i(cross),a car(rush)out from nowhereand (knock) me down. luckily, i(fall)into an open crate of bananas, which a barrow-boy(sell so i(sustain)no great injuty-though the bananas(do)

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