1. раскройте скобки, чтобы образовать условные предложения i типа 1)if he … (practice) every day, he … (become) a champion. 2) she … (help) us if we … (ask) 3) if they … (have) enough money, they … (open) a restaurant next year. 4)i … (not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me 5) if bob … (not keep) his word, anna … (be angry) with him. . раскройте скобки, чтобы образовать условные предложения i типа 1)if you … (not help) me, i … (not pass) the exam tomorrow. 2) we … (buy) this car if you … (give) us a discount. 3 if my dad … (find) his tools, he … (be able) to repair my bike. 4 if david … (not give up) smoking, liza … (not marry) him. 5 mary … (meet) her friends from italy if she … (come) to the party. 6 if you … (lend) me the money, i … (pay) you back next month. 7 they … (not let) you into the cinema if you … (lose) your tickets. 8 if my sister … (travel) to japan, she … (buy) a kimono for me

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