Решить (буду и 50 )) 1. helen came up ………. the idea of organizing a christmas bazaar. (a to b for c with) 2. are there any ………. animals on the streets of your city? (a stray b insects c grown) 3. how many ………. does your swimming club have? (a elections b members c weddings) 4. please, go ………. and continue your story. (a on b with c off) 5. who’s the ………. of your city? (a demonstration b mayor c ceremony) 6. did you take ………. in the clean-up day last week? (a part b place c people) 7. that colour goes ………. your eyes. (a off b with c on) 8. i was reading a magazine ………. angela was watching tv. (a while b after c just as) 9. i heard all my favourite songs on the ………. last night! (a documentary b radio c shat show) 10. ………. she looked out of the window, the sun was shining. (a while b when c whether)

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Решить (буду и 50 )) 1. helen came up ………. the idea of organizing a christmas bazaar. (a to b for...

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