4. переведите словосочетания на язык. 1. the … … (котенок мальчика) is hiding in the mitten. 2. the … … (котята мальчиков) are hiding in the mittens. 3. the … … (кошка женщины) is sleeping on the mat. 4. the … … ( кошки женщин) are sleeping on the mats. 5. nick went to the … … (булочная) to buy some bread. 6. we’re going to have a … (недельный) holiday next month. 7. the … … (лица детей) were happy when they saw the new toys. 8. we’ll meet at my … (друга) and have a good time. 9. have you read … (сегодняшнюю) newspaper? 10. the … … (платье девочки) was dirty because she had fallen into a pool. 11. the … … (платья девочек) were new and beautiful. 12. some of my friends are planning next … (года)summer holidays. 13. the … … … (центральная улица города) is tverskaya street. 14. the … … (название корабля) which hit an iceberg on the first trip in 1912 was the titanic. 15. … … … (собор святого павла) is the main cathedral in london. 16. a lot of monuments of … … (лондонской ) are situated in the city. 17. the … (мужская) clothes are sold on the second floor of the shop. 18. … (басни эзопа) fables are very interesting. (aesop)

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4. переведите словосочетания на язык. 1. the … … (котенок мальчика) is hiding in the mitten. 2. the...

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