Variant 2 1)they ….. (play) football for two hours. 2)the soup … (boil) since 12 a. m. 3)ann … already… (choose) the dessert . 4)they … … ( not do) the shopping today. 5)… tom ever… (visit) disneyland? 6)he ….. (talk) about their new development strategy for the last three hours. 7)i … just … (see) a horror film. 8)… you ….. (clean) the yard for the last 2 hours? 9)she … already …(find) her book. 10)i ……. (read) this new novel for two weeks 11)the cat … already … (eat up) the fish.

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Variant 2 1)they ….. (play) football for two hours. 2)the soup … (boil) since 12 a. m. 3)ann … alrea...

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