Проверочная работа «употребление артикля the» ex.1 fill in the where is necessary. (вставьте артикль the, где необходимо.) ………. ganges is a river which runs through india. i would love to meet ………. john in person. she went to france by ………. train. jack’s mother is in ………. france on holiday. could you show me the way to ………. victoria park, please? i can meet you outside ………. hilton hotel tonight at nine o’clock. where is ………. kalahari desert? ………. leopards live in the jungle. he is reading a book about ………. world war i. have you ever seen ………. great wall of china? let’s meet in ………. macey’s restaurant. he buys ………. observer every morning. they drove to ………. north of ………. england. can you please tell me ………. way to ………. nearest hospital? did you visit ………. acropolis when you were in ………. athens? people from ………. united kingdom are not ………. only people who speak ………. english language. a: where are ………. boys? b: they’re playing ………. football on ………. beach. i never drive to ………. office. i always go on ………. foot. which city in ………. england is ………. tower bridge located in? ………. may is my favorite month of ………. year.

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Проверочная работа «употребление артикля the» ex.1 fill in the where is necessary. (вставьте артикль...

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