Выберите правильный вариант.

1. you needn’t … for bread, we have plenty.

a) shop b) shopping c) to shop d) to shopping

2. he must be very tired, he … since morning.

a) is working b) works c) had worked d) has been working

3. he could do nothing but … our plan.

a) accept b) to accepting c) accepted d) would accept

4. william the conqueror is famous for … england.

a) having been conquered b) conquering c) having conquered d) conquered

5. she asked … back as soon as possible.

a) to phone b) to being phoned c) to be phoned d) to having phoned

6. recently bbc experts … a new system that lets the deaf understand tv programs.

a) have invented b) invented c) to invent d) be invented

7. actions speak … than words.

a) more louder b) the loudest c) louder d) much loudest

8. the opposition party … a pre-election meeting this week.

а) holding b)is holding c)was holding d)had held

9. to catch the last train, … we can leave home at 11.

a) the least b) least c) the latest d) latest

10. mike felt … after the trip.

a) exhausting b) exhausted c) exhaustedly d) himself exhausted

11. there’s … over your broken life..

a) no good to cry b) no use crying c) no point to cry d) no point in crying

12. the first novel about sherlock holmes … in 1887 and … by a series of short stories. a) was appeared, was followed b) appeared, followed

c) appeared, was followed d) was appeared , followed

13. … st. valentine’s day is celebrated on february 14 by the custom … greeting cards or gifts to express affection.

a) - , sending b) the, to send c) - , of sending d) the, sending

14. she risks … everything if she follows his advice. it’s not worth … .

a) to lose, taking b) losing, to take c) losing, taking d) to lose, to take

15. i don’t remember … you here before.

a) to see b) having seen c) that i saw d) to have seen

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Выберите правильный вариант. 1. you needn’t … for bread, we have plenty. a) shop b) shopping c) to s...

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