Как читается по русски НЕ перевод!!! Find new friends and talk about your pets online
09:00» Hi there. I've got a cat. Her name is
Stripes. She is 5 years old with big ears and
bright green eyes. Stripes plays in the garden
all day and at night she sleeps on my bed.
Cats are great! What do you think?
«10:35» Hi Jessie, I'm Chris. I like cats, but !
haven't got one. I think budgies are the best!
My budgie has got blue, grey and white
feathers and a little yellow beak. His name is
Tweety and he sings all day long.
«11:20» Hi guys! I've got a dog. His name is
Nelson and he's 3 years old. He is very big
with golden fur. I take him for walks in the
park every day. Does anyone else like dogs?

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Как читается по русски НЕ перевод!!! Find new friends and talk about your pets online Jessie 09:00»...

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