2. Choose the right word.
Caroline carried the box under her (arm/hand). 2. He (mumbled/mur
mured) something about the letter but what he said I couldn't hear. 3. Albert's
invitation didn't sound (cheerful/cheerfully) 4. I pushed/pulled) the button of
the doorbell but couldn't hear the sound of the bell. 5. Can you make yourself
(all asleep/go to sleep)? 6. Did you listen to the (last/latest news? 7. Who is
(older/elder), you or your sister?
3. Open the brackets to make the story complete.
The Work That Made Defoe Famous
In 1718 Defoe (1. be) nearly sixty years old. He (2. live) a full and interest
ing life by that time. He (3. be) to many countries, (4. try) many professions,
(5. write) many books. That year London (6. discuss) Alexander Selkirk, a sailor,
who (7. spend) more than four years on a desert Island off the coast of Chili. He
(8 live) alone on that island all those years and managed not only (9. stay)
alive, but also (10. make) himself fairly comfortable. At last he (11. rescue) by
the sailors of a ship that (12. arrive) at that island for water. When Alexander
Selkirk (13. return to London he (14. speak) much about what (15. happen to
him. Some of his stories (16. publish). (17. read), and soon (18. forget). A few years
later practically nobody (19. remember) what Alexander Selkirk
about or who he (21. be).
But Defoe (22. not forget). He (23. turn) to writing a story of a shipwrecked
man. He (24. choose) an island in a different part of the world for his story and
(25. create) an imaginary character - Robinson Crusoe. With his skill of a jour.
nalist he made his story (26. seem) absolutely true. The book was a great suc.
Nowadays there is hardly a person who (27. not, hear) of Robinson Crusoe,
while the true story of Selkirk (28. not, be) known to many people.
4. Put in articles where necessary.
A. I. Shall I pass you ... salt? 2. Is that ... book you bought yesterday?
3. Why is Andrew in such ... hurry? 4. In ... village where I live there are no cin-
emas. 5... weather is fine today. ... sky is blue and ... sun is shining brightly.
6. Look! Ann is wearing ... new dress. It's not new. It's ... old dress her aunt
gave her. 7. ... kangaroo is ... typical Australian animal. 8. - Do you often listen
to... radio? -No, I usually watch ... telly. 9. Have you ever told... lie? 10. What
- pity! She has never been to the Bolshoi Theatre
B. I. Amanda is ... nurse. She works in ... hospital. ... hospital where she
works is situated near church. 2. Uncle John has ... weak heart. Yesterday he
was taken to ... hospital. - How many ... hospitals are there in your town?
There is only one. What's ... nearest way to hospital? 3. When does Nina
start for ... school? -- At half past seven. ... school is rather far and she walks
there. 4. I know that Victoria's elder brother has been in ... prison for nearly
Iwo years. 5. Be quiet. Walter is in ... bed. He has been working all day and is
tired. I want him to go to sleep as soon as possible. 6. My little cat is on ... bed,
but Mummy doesn't let him be there. 7. There is ... beautiful old church near our
house. church is made of marble. There is a small graveyard around ...
church. 8. Where is Jennifer? She is at ... university. 9. What are you go-
ing to do after school? - I would like to go to ... university

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