Find the misspelled words in the text and write them correctly below in the alphabetical order (1 - apple ... 5 - zebra).

The religeon and spiritual beliefs of Native Americans played an important role in their everyday life. Each tribe and peoples had their own unique beliefs, legends, and rituals, but they all believed that the world was filled with spirits. The Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest believed that all living things were watched over by gardian spirits. This included animals, trees, people, and even some ananimate objects like the wind, storms, and water. Young boys would have to discover their own personal guardian spirit before they could become men. Each boy would wenture off alone to comune with nature looking for a sign from his guardian spirit. Once found, this spirit would bestow a special characteristic or power on the boy and he would return to the tribe a man.

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Find the misspelled words in the text and write them correctly below in the alphabetical order (1 -...

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