Looking back over the e-mails I have received in the
last couple of weeks, I can see there is at least one
message a day from someone I don’t know, offering
some service or product I am (1) _
to want. In some cases I can (2) _
where they got my e-mail address from, but in
others I have no idea. For me, this unsolicited junk email is not a problem, I can just erase it from my
computer. However, in a recent survey, (3)
_ out for the company Novell Inc. in
the UK, 75% of those who were questioned claimed
to receive as many as five junk e-mails a day, and
15% calculated that they (4) _ at
least an hour a day dealing with unsolicited spam.
Apart from spam which tries to sell products
or services, there is also the problem of
(5) _ virus warnings, chain letters
(where terrible things will happen to you if you
don’t pass on the message to fifteen other people)
and jokes from friends and (6) _.
Although sometimes the content involved can be
offensive and contain racist or sexist language, most
of it is relatively (7) _. On the other
hand, in terms of wasting employees’ time, it’s a real
(8) _ for many businesses.
There are various strategies you can
(9) _ with spam. The easiest remedy
is just to delete any messages which come from an
unknown sender or look suspicious. To deal with
nuisance mail which comes from a regular source,
one solution is to (10) _ up your email program to ignore mail from that particular
address. More legitimate spammers often give you
the option to ‘unsubscribe’ so you don’t (11)
_ any more of their messages,
although in my experience this often doesn’t seem
to make any difference. Even so, while you are
(12) _ with spam you are not doing
the work you were hired to do. If the data analysed
in the survey is correct, 1.4% of the national
(13) _ force is unproductive for this
reason at any time during a working day. With a
national UK (14) _ bill of £368bn a
year, this means that for UK businesses spam
represents an annual cost of around £5bn.

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