. I’m afraid … dogs.
2. I’m really nervous … the test tomorrow.
3. You should be ashamed … yourself.
4. There’s nothing to worry ….
5. It took me … surprise.
6. Well done! We’re so proud … you.
7. I’m tired … doing the same thing day after day. I need a change.
8. I was quite shocked … the way he reacted.
9. I wish I hadn’t been so horrible to Ruth now. I feel really guilty … it.
10. Why are you so worry … him?
11. She’s afraid … darkness.
12. They are proud … their son.
13. I’m fed up … your promises!
14. We were caught completely … surprise when the controller came.
15. I’m so tired … watching television. Let's go for a walk.
16. Paul was shocked … the way she reacted.
17. The jury found him guilty … murder.
18. You don’t need to be so nervous … the exam tomorrow.
19. I am ashamed … myself because I was wrong in that situation.

Всего ответов: 1

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. I’m afraid … dogs. 2. I’m really nervous … the test tomorrow. 3. You should be ashamed … yourself....

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