4. Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the
1) He fell down when he (rode / was riding / had been riding) a bicycle.
2) I (watched / was watching / had watched) a new film last week.
3) The weather forecast says it (rains / will rain / will have been raining)
server! (6
4) This river (flows / is flowing / has flown) into the Pacific Ocean.
5) The boy was out of breath. He (was running / has been running / had
been running).
6) Why are you out of breath? - I (was running / have been running / had
been running).
m. 6. (e
7) We (swam / were swimming / had been swimming) in the Black Sea at
that time last week.
berl (1
8) He (will write / will be writing / will have been writing) a test at 10 a. m.
9) What's wrong with your leg? - I (hurt / have hurt / had hurt) it; I can't
walk now.
10) By the time we got to the bus stop, the bus (left / has left / had left).
11) You are too slow! By the time you are ready, our train (will leave / will
be leaving / will have left).
12) You will be late for the test. By the time you come, other students (will
46 write / will be writing / will have been writing) it for at least 10 minutes.
1. Complete the questions to the sentences.
1) The students are writing an essay. What are students writing?
2) Last year we studied on Saturdays. When
3) Jim was hungry because he hadn't eaten since morning. Why
4) He has watched two new films this month. How many
5) He never listens to jazz musíc. Why
6) He wasn't at home at that time; he was riding a bicycle. What
7) They have been staying in Paris for a week. How long
8) He will have left by noon. What
9) Don't worry. Alice will come back in a few minutes. When
10) She will be reading for her exam all day long. What
11) They will have launched the project by the end of the year. What
2 Use the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form to complete the
1) The train _
_ (leave) at 8.10 every morning.
2) If we leave right now, we _
3) We are late! The train
4) Look, our train
(leave)! What a pity!
5) When he entered the classroom, the students _
their essays.
_ (get) to the station in time.
(leave) already!
(work) at
6) When he entered the classroom, the students _
(work) at
their essays for at least 15 minutes.
7) I had a headache because I
8) By the end of this month, I
9) Why are your hands white? - I
(not eat) so long!
(study) at this school for a year.
(cook) a cake.
10) I remember a very tasty cake you
11) The cake
12) She
(cook) last Sunday.
_ (be) ready by the time you are at home.
(talk) to me via Skype at this time tomorrow.

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4. Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences. 1) He fell down when...

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