Упражнение 1. Insert much or many.(вставьте Much / many )
Do you drink _coffee?
We have _ lessons of English this year.
Do you learn _ new English words every day?
We haven't got _ bread.
There isn't_ salad in the fridge.
She hasn't got _ cassettes.
I can't spend _ money on toys
There are _ coconut trees on the island.
They have _ mats.
The coconuts give _ food.
Упражнение 2. Внимательно прочитаем предложения и вставим little или few вместо пропусков.
1. There is _ snow in the street.
2. There is_ a butter in the refrigerator.
3. There are_ lamps in the room.
4. The house has _balconies.
5. There are a_ apples on the plate in the cupboard.
6. There are a_ people standing at the bus stop.

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Упражнение 1. Insert much or many.(вставьте Much / many ) Do you drink _coffee? We have _ lessons of...

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