Paris is the …… city I’ve ever seen.
a. beautiful
b. more beautiful
c. most beautiful
d. beautifulest

Julie …… to San Francisco three times.
a. has gone
b. was going
c. has been
d. is

These days you can find very _ holiday packages on the internet.
a. affordable
b. budget
c. luxury
d. affording

Our airline offered us a _ coffee before our flight.
a. budget
b. compliment
c. request
d. complimentary

_ have the bill, please?
a. Can we
b. Can you
c. Shall we
d. Shall you

At the end of the meal we ordered coffees and ask for the _.
a. receipt
b. bill
c. refund
d. tip

The _ in Conaima National Park were breathtaking. My favourite was the Angel Falls because the water looked amazing as it came off the top of the rocks.
a. waterfalls
b. harbours
c. valleys
d. cliffs

What is the _ for a return flight from New York to Milan?
a. fair
b. fare
c. fee
d. salary

Have you _ the Grand Canyon?
a. ever been to
b. never gone
c. already visit
d. not ever seen

We were in the departure _ when we heard the announcement that our flight was cancelled.
a. launch
b. lingerie
c. lounge
d. lunch

They were taking too much _ with them on holiday.
a. baggage
b. casing
c. luggages
d. suitcase

They were taking too much _ with them on holiday.
a. accommodate
b. arrive to
c. make to
d. reach

I can’t fly to England because my _ expired
a. pass
b. visa
c. password
d. ticket

I don’t want to stay in the hotel, let’s go _ seeing (достопримечательности).
a. sight
b. see
c. side
d. saw

She prefers to spend winter holidays at a skiing _.
a. resort
b. report
c. retort
d. play

My friends got married and went on a honeymoon _ to Hawaii.
a. sail
b. cruise
c. travel
d. way

The hotel had no _ so I had to drive 20 miles to find another one.
a. accommodation
b. availability
c. emptiness
d. vacancy

According to his _, he will land in Atlanta tomorrow at 10 AM.
a. guidebook
b. itinerary
c. package
d. timetable

The journey took us longer than usual because of too much _.
a. traffic
b. transit
c. transport
d. transportation

On the first day we went on a sightseeing _ of the island.
a. landmark
b. outlook
c. roundabout
d. tour

The cathedral was _ with tourists so we decided to leave it for later.
a. in pack
b. packaged
c. packed
d. packing

In Ireland, it’s worth _ a few days in Dublin.
a. of spending
b. spend
c. spending
d. to spend

Time to _!
a. move
b. moving
c. moving to
d. is move

Ask the _ to carry your luggage.
a. waiter
b. porter
c. driver
d. administrator

I like to travel ___
a. by train
b. to train
c. from train
d. on train

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1 Paris is the …… city I’ve ever seen. a. beautiful b. more beautiful c. most beautiful d. beautifu...

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