III. Choose the best option.

1. I think I’m taking/I’ll take Fred to the doctor. He has got a temperature.

2. Watch out! That ladder will/is going to fall on you.

3. Don’t lend Ann your toys. She’ll break / she’s breaking them.

4. Patrick is going to/ will read a law at the university. 34

5. We’ll go / we are going out for a walk tonight. Do you fancy coming along?

6. If you don’t study, you are failing / you’ll fail your exam.

7. David is starting/ going to start cycling to work. He wants to get fit.

8. This time next week, I’ll be/ I’m on the beach.

9. The ten o’clock news starts/ will start in a minute.

10. Lucy and Jim will get married/ are getting married on Sunday.

IV. Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets:

1. I think Japan (win) the World Cup.

2. When (you/ be) back home? Do you have any idea?

3. Look at those storm clouds. It (rain) most of the weekend.

4. I (buy) my girl friend a present. It’s her birthday on Tuesday.

5. That child never takes any exercise. He (be) very overweight.

6. The bank has announced that interest rates (fall) next year.

7. The class (start) at 9 and finishes at 5.

8. I (visit) my Spanish friends soon. I’ve booked the ticket.

9. If you don’t stop that, I (call) the police.

10. I (help) you. I’m good with computers.

Всего ответов: 3

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III. Choose the best option. 1. I think I’m taking/I’ll take Fred to the doctor. He has got a temper...

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