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1. But then there are those who are never happy unless they have a problem to _
a) will solve
b) solves
c) solve
2. When she was younger, my grandmother _ in a mortuary
a) worked
b) works
c) will work
3. Andrew Smodley is a natural worrier. It is something he _ from his father — the king of all worriers.
a) received
b) left
c) inherited
4. The candidate _ many voters when she ran for governor last year.
a) impressed
b) will impress
c) impress
5. Yesterday you _ you would like to learn how to knit a sweater.
a) say
b) said
c) will say
6. The relative humidity usually _ when the temperature goes down
a) falls
b) will fall
c) fell
7. Janelle _ for the neighbours next Saturday night.
a) will baby-sit
b) baby-sit
c) baby-sat
8. The athlete _ with the college track team next month.
a) trained
b) trains
c) will train
9. "In London, which _ on the river Thames, people make a lot of noise all the time."
a) holds
b) stands
c) begins
10. Next week I _the end of this story.
a) will read
b) reads
c) read

11. Harry never _ to work by bus.
a) Go
b) Do goes
c) Does
d) Goes
12. She _chocolate.
a) Likes not
b) Not like
c) Don’t like
d) Doesn’t like
13. We always _ to bed early.
a) Goes
b) Doesn’t go
c) Go
d) Does
14. Mary _ a lot last year.
a) Travelled
b) Travels
c) Travelling
d) Did travel
15. Mum _ any gifts yesterday.
a) Brought not
b) Didn’t bring
c) Doesn’t bring
d) Didn’t brought
16. Where _ this kitten?
a) Did you find
b) You did find
c) Found you
d) Did you found
17. What flat _ in ?
a) Did she lived
b) Does she live
c) Did she lives
d) Does she lived
18. Ann _ at home last Sunday, she went to a party.
a) Didn’t stayed
b) Didn’t stays
c) Didn’t stay
d) Did stay not
19. How is Mary? _ her on Monday?
a) Was you see
b) Did you see
c) Do you see
d) Are you see
20. My friend and I _ to read English books.
a) Like
b) Likes
c) Doesn’t like
d) Didn’t liked

21. Mum _any gifts yesterday.
a) Brought not
b) Didn’t bring
c) Doesn’t bring
d) Didn’t brought
22. She _chocolate.
a) Likes not
b) Not like
c) Don’t like
d) Doesn’t like
23. We _to bed early tomorrow.
a) Goes
b) Doesn’t go
c) Will go
d) Does
24. Mary _ a lot last year.
a) Travelled
b) Travels
c) Travelling
d) Did travel
25. How is Mary? _her on Monday?
a) Was you see
b) Did you see
c) Do you see
d) Are you see
26. Mary_ for the neighbours next Saturday night.
a) will baby-sit
b) baby-sit
c) baby-sat
27. What flat … in ?
a) Did she lived
b) Does she live
c) Did she lives
d) Does she lived
28. Ann _ at home last Sunday, she went to a party.
a) Didn’t stayed
b) Didn’t stays
c) Didn’t stay
d) Did stay not
29. Harry never _ to work by bus.
a) Go
b) Do goes
c) Does
d) Goes
30. My friend and I _ to read English books.
a) Like
b) Likes
c) Doesn’t like
d) Didn’t liked

Всего ответов: 2

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