Types 0, 1, 2, 3 (Conditionals)
Choose the correct item.
1 If you like/liked/had liked extreme sports, you
will love bungee jumping.
2 If you go to The Mona Foundation, you would
see/would have seen/will see lots of rescued
3 If Greg had had/had/has a bigger room at the
youth hostel, he would be happier.
4 If Bob hadn't been/won't be/not be so fit, he
wouldn't have been able to walk the
Appalachian Trail.
5 They would have stayed in a hotel if they had
had/had/will have more money.
6 If I were you, I do/will do/would do something
about global warming.
7 If you would put/put/had put water in the
freezer, it turns to ice.
8 The girls had been/would have been/will be safe
if they hadn't left the trail.​

Всего ответов: 3

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Types 0, 1, 2, 3 (Conditionals)Choose the correct item.1 If you like/liked/had liked extreme sports,...

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