1.- Manchester United (definitely, win)
. tonight.

2.- Perhaps it (rain) .

3.- In the next century, most people (probably, live)
. in big cities.

4.- Jean (learn) . to drive
and then she (buy) .………………. a car.

5.- Tim and Ann say they (travel) .
……………………………………………. abroad next summer.

6.- Look out! Those books (fall) .
………………………………….. on your head!

7.- (you, do) . anything on
Not really. Why?
I (have) . a party.
Would you like to come?

8.- I have failed this time. But be sure I (pass)
. all the subjects next term.

9.- Don’t touch those things, children, or I (punish)
. you.

10.- Can you come dancing tomorrow night?
Sorry, I (have) .
dinner with some friends.

11.- What are your plans for the Easter holiday?
I (spend) . a few
days on the mountains.

12.- Mary (buy) . a dog
next week.
Really? What (she, call) .
……………………………. it?

13.- There isn’t any butter left.
Don’t worry. I (go) .
and buy some.

14.- Where is the calculator? I can’t find it.
I (lend) . you mine.
Here you are.

15.- Have you heard the news? Harry (join)
. the army.

16.- Sorry to keep you waiting. I (not, be)
…………………… ………………………………….long.

17.- According to the weather forecast, it (snow)
. tomorrow.

18.- I’m sorry. I can’t meet you thin evening. I (eat)
. out with my

19.- Careful! You (knock) .
that jug off the table!

20.- In fifty years’ time, most people (probably, ride)
.bicycles to

21.- Our teacher (give) .
us a test tomorrow.

22.- I (go) . to
Manchester at the end of next week.

23.- Look out! You (hit) .
that tree!

24.- What Helen’s address?
I (look) . it up in
my dairy.

25.- I think our team (probably, win) .

26.- I (go) . climbing next
weekend. Would you like to come?

27.- What (you, discuss) .
at the next meeting?

28.- The boat is turning over! It (sink) .

29.- Sue (lend) . me her
roller skates if I ask her.

30.- I (not, sell) . my bike
after all.

31.- Which hotel (we, stay) .?
Have you looked in the brochure?

32.- I’m hot.
I (open) . the window.
The air outside (be) .……………….fresh.

33.- The house is really dirty. I (finish) .
lunch and clean it.

34.- Everyone thinks a large number of tourists (visit)
. the country
next summer.

35.- Let’s go to the cinema this evening.
OK. We (meet) .
outside at 8.00.

Всего ответов: 3

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1.- Manchester United (definitely, win) . tonight. 2.- Perhaps it (rain) . tomorrow. 3.- In the nex...

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