I knew ... man who had travelled very much in his life. He had visited many ...
countries in ...
east and in ... west. He loved ... children and often told them ... interesting stories. I
some of... stories which he told me. One of ... stories was about ... adventure he
had had in ...
London. He was ... young man at that time and was interested in ... history of ...
architecture. One
day he visited one of ... towers of ... Houses of ... Parliament. He came out on to ...
balcony of...
tower and began to look at ... ornaments on ... walls. Then he climbed up on ...
roof. Suddenly...
man came running to him and seized him by... arm. He began shouting something
in ... English,
but my friend knew only a few words of ... English and did not understand him. ..
called ... policeman. ... fact was that he thought that ... Russian tourist wanted to
kill himself by
jumping from ... top of ... tower. Later, when everything became clear, they
laughed... lot over it.​

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I knew ... man who had travelled very much in his life. He had visited many ...countries in ...east...

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