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a Can you … the rubbish out, please?

b The children … their room and put the books back on the shelves.

c Tim got up and … his bed.

d Graham …$35,000 a year.

e Unfortunately, Louise hasn’t … her exams.

f Ben … the washing machine on.

g Last weekend, Susie … the prize in a dancing competition.

h Has someone you know ever … a crime?

i Joan … up her bag and left.

j Could you … me 50 euros? I haven’t got any money.

II Complete the sentences with the second conditional.

If - Past Simple, would+ V1

1. If Sheila … (live) in the city centre, she … (walk) to work.

2. Moira … (not/ask) questions if the teacher … (explain) better.

3. If the children … (play) inside, they … (not / get) dirty.

4. If Sarah … (play) football, she … (be) really good at it.

5. Adam … (write) more emails if he … (have) his own computer.

6. If the match … (be) on TV, I … (watch) it.

III. Choose the correct alternatives.

Our local social club (a) opens / opened five years ago. It’s the (b) best / better place to go in the evening. There aren’t too (c) much / many people there, and it’s (d) more / much interesting than staying at home.

In the club, children under 16 (e) can’t / aren’t allowed to go into the bar by themselves. If they want to enter the bar, they (f) can / have to go with an adult, and, of course, they (g) aren’t allowed / mustn’t to drink alcohol. There (h) is / are a family room, and it’s (i) easier / easyer to get a drink in there. Children (j) don’t have to / mustn’t be with an adult to go into that room. There is also a members’ room. If I (k) want / wanted to become a member, I’d have to pay (l) many / a lot of money.

A few years ago, people (m) could / were allowed smoke in the bar, but they (n) aren’t allowed / can’t to smoke there now. And you (o) can’t / don’t have to smoke in the members’ room. If anybody wants to smoke, they (p) will must / must go outside.

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