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A Bicycle

John's father likes to swim. He often goes to the swimming pool. His mother
likes to play tennis. They often go to the stadium. Their son John wants to be a
good sportsman. He asks his parents to give him a bicycle.
One day Father comes home and says: "I've got a present r you. Come and
John comes up and sees... "It's a bicycle! Thank you, Daddy!"
Every day Father and John go to the sports ground to ride a bike.
One day John says, "I can ride a bicycle very well. Let's ask Mother to go with
So they go to the sports ground and watch John riding bike. He rides and rides.
He is happy. He says, "Look, Mum! No hands!" Then he says, "Look, Dad! No
The parents are very happy. But suddenly John cries, "Look, Mum! No teeth!"
1. John's father likes to skate. 2. John is seven.
3. He likes to play tennis.
4. His mother plays the piano very well.
5. John's mother teaches him to play tennis.
Задание № 2
Поставьте данные имена прилагательные в сравнительную и превосходную
1) good 2) interesting 3) lazy 4) small 5) big
Задание № 3
Употребите правильные формы глагола to be в оборотах There is/ There are.
1) There …some chairs in the room. 3) There …three books and a
pen here.
2) There … an apple on the plate. 4) There … a book and three pen
on the deck.
Задание № 4
Выберите правильный вариант
1) She …help her parents last weekend.
a) doesn’t b) didn’t c) don’t
2) They … very much yesterday.
a) work b) will work c) worked

3) At ten o’clock they …ready for picnic
a) was b) were c) are
4) Last year there… no children in the parks
a) was b) were c) are
5) She … a cake. She had a birthday yesterday.
a) bring b) will bring c) brought

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