Упражнение по теме «Герундий»

Раскройте скобки, употребив герундий или инфинтив (с или без частицы to). Если нужно, вставьте предлог.

1. He used ... (think) that life ended at 40, but now when he’s 41, he knows it’s not true.

2. ... (make) such a terrible noise!

3. It’s five in the morning. I’m not used ... (get) up this early,

4. It’s impossible... (cut) with this knife. It’s blunt.

5. My father enjoys ... (listen) to jazz music.

6. I’m sorry... (hear) that your mother isn’t well.

7. Harry looked so funny that I couldn’t help ... (laugh).

8. I couldn’t help them ... (find) what they were looking for as I was in too much of a hurry.

9. I’d like... (cook) something special when guests come.

10. What do you feel like... (do) tonight?

11. My dad promised ... (buy) me a bike if I passed my exams well.

12. I hate... (wait) in queues. It really annoys me.

13. I looked forward ... (see) you again soon.

14. It’s difficult ... (concentrate) when there’s loud playing on the radio.

15. We stopped for a while ... (admire) the scenery.

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Упражнение по теме «Герундий» Раскройте скобки, употребив герундий или инфинтив (с или без частицы t...

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