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1. I’ll never forget …………………….. (sail) down the Volga on that lovely summer day.

2. I am so sorry; I forgot …………………….. (let) you know.

3. Don’t forget …………………….. (remind) them about the party.

4. I remember …………………….. (see) you somewhere.

5. Did you remember …………………….. (water) the plants today?

6. We regret …………………….. (tell) you that you have failed this exam.

7. He regrets …………………….. (make) that mistake; now he doesn’t have money.

8. After learning Spanish, she went on …………………….. (make) dinner.

9. They went on …………………….. (discuss) this question for hours.

10. I’m sorry …………………….. (interrupt), but can I ask you something?

11. Bob was sorry for …………………….. (shout) at his little sister.

12. He stopped …………………….. (smoke) when he realised how dangerous it was.

13. Amanda stopped …………………….. (have) a quick snack and then continued translating the article.

14. You should try …………………….. (exercise), you may feel better.

15. They tried …………………….. (lift) that tree trunk, but it was too heavy for them.

16. Being a doctor means …………………….. (help) people.

17. I am sorry; I didn’t mean …………………….. (hurt) you.

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Раскройте скобки и поставьте глагол в форму инфинитива или герундия. 1. I’ll never forget …………………….....

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