с 15 вопросами по английскому. 16. Используйте требуемое время вместо инфинитивов в скобках: My mother (to have) a bad headache. *
has got
have got
17. Используйте требуемое время вместо инфинитивов в скобках: My friend (to study) two foreign languages? *
Do study...
Does my friend studies ..
Do my friend studys ...
Does my friend study..
18. Every day I help my Mom about the house, but last week I was very busy with my exam. So I (not help) her much. *
not helped;
didn't helped;
didn't help;
19. Используйте настоящий непрерывный инфинитив в скобках: He (to plant) new trees in the orchard now. *
are planting
is planting
am planting
are plant
20. Используйте настоящее неопределенное или настоящее непрерывное вместо инфинитива в скобках: I (not to think) he (to take) his Physics exam now. *
are not thinking; takes
does not think; is taking
do not think; is taking
do not think; are taking
21. Who … America? *
did discover
did discovered
22. Поставьте предложение в страдательный залог: When I switched on the radio they were broadcasting a very interesting programme *
When I switched on the radio a very interesting programme was being broadcast
When I switched on the radio a very interesting programme has being broadcast
When I switch on the radio a very interesting programme was being broadcast
When I switched on the radio a very interesting programme being broadcast
23. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного: Today it is ... day of my life! *
the busyest
the busiest
more busy
24. Используйте настоящий непрерывный инфинитив в скобках: The clock (to strike) two o'clock. *
am striking
are striking
do strikes
is striking
25. Поставьте наречия на свое место: They haven't finished breakfast (yet) *
They yet haven't finished breakfast
They haven't finished breakfast yet
They haven't yet finished breakfast
They have yet finished breakfast
26. Поставьте предложение в страдательный залог: The branches of the tree hid her face. *
Her face has hidden by the branches of the tree
Her face had hidden by the branches of the tree
Her face was hidden by the branches of the tree
Her face was hidden by the branch of the tree
27. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного: Honey is ... than sugar. *
the sweetest
the sweeter
28. Укажите превосходную степень имени прилагательного: flat *
the flattest
29. Укажите множественное число имени существительного: dress *
30. What … your favourite subject at school? *

Всего ответов: 2

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с 15 вопросами по английскому. 16. Используйте требуемое время вместо инфинитивов в скобках: My moth...

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