I can’t go to the party. I haven’t_to wear. [2] some
[4] nothing
[1] any
[3] anything

Вопрос Вопрос 2
The first automobile built by Shamshurenkov, a Russian inventor, was put into motion by the pedaling of the driver himself.


Вопрос Вопрос 3
Would you mind waiting_ minutes?

[3] little
[2] a few
[1] few
[4] a little

Вопрос Вопрос 4
The store has two lifts, and _ of them is working.

[2] neither
[1] both
[4] none
[3] either

Вопрос Вопрос 5
The modern automobile must be rapid in acceleration, must have smooth acting clutch, silent hats, dependable brakes and steering system, as well as pleasant appearance.


Вопрос Вопрос 6
‘What color shall we have?’ — ‘I don’t mind. Pick _ color you like.’

[4] what
[3] some
[2] that
[1] any

Вопрос Вопрос 7
“I like _ pictures here.” – “Yes, so do I”.

[3] no
[2] that
[1] anything
[4] these

Вопрос Вопрос 8
_ has left a bicycle outside.

[3] Anything
[2] Someone
[4] Something
[1] Anyone

Вопрос Вопрос 9
They have invented a television set _is as small as a watch.

[4] whom
[3] who
[2] which
[1] what

Вопрос Вопрос 10
Peter has two brothers, but he doesn’t speak to _ of them.

[4] neither
[3] both of
[1] any
[2] either

Вопрос Вопрос 11
The automobile industry in our country has been developed since 1931. Before that time Russia had no automobile industry at all


Вопрос Вопрос 12
Specialists in automobile industry deal with designing and manufacturing cars, so they should know that the production of the automobile comprises the following phases:

1) Designing

2) Working out the technology of manufacturing processes

3) Laboratory tests

4) Road tests

5) Mass production


Вопрос Вопрос 13
The passenger's safety and comfort must be considered as much as the car's reliable performance and ability to travel on the highways.


Вопрос Вопрос 14
Take care, won’t you, Anna? Look after _

[3] yourselves
[4] yours
[1] you
[2] yourself

Вопрос Вопрос 15
Rockall is an uninhabited island _ lies north of Scotland.

[1] that
[3] who
[4] whose
[2] what

Всего ответов: 2

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