1. Поставьте подходящий предлог. 1. It has been raining … (for/since/until) last Friday.

2. I didn’t see you … (in/at/on) home.

3. Where are you … (from/in/at)? – Russia. But I live … (from/in/at) Germany.

4. Wait … (of/by/for) me. I will come back … (in/over/with) an hour.

5. We often travel … (in/to/at) Sochi … (on/in/by) train.

6. Lucy has worked as a waitress … (for/since/during) four years.

7. He couldn’t fall asleep … (since/for/until) 3 in the morning.

8. Was she named … (after/to/by) her grandmother.

9. They are interested … (by/in/with) philosophy.

10. I am not fond … (in/with/of) cats.

11. You should turn left … (at/on/in) the corner.

12. … (At/In/On) 10 o’clock Ben was talking … (on/in/at) the phone.

13. They are still … (in/on/at) work.

14. He never goes … (to/at/in) the cinema.

15. The portrait … (by/of/at) my mother was painted … (by/of/at) a famous artist.

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1. Поставьте подходящий предлог. 1. It has been raining … (for/since/until) last Friday. 2. I didn’t...

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