Read the text and fill in the gaps.  Online forum “Memorable weekend”

Our special Day-Off Package at Taraz Hall Apartments will help to make a weekend memorable. You can win a special free ticket for the exciting tour around the world. Post your “memorable weekend” story. The winner will be chosen randomly.

Eva Planga, year 18

I am the girl who won free ticket to the exciting tour around Los-Angeles last month. It is the place where you'll discover a variety of culture throughout San Francisco's functional zones. These zones in a city are the areas where people go to do particular things. I went to the tour with my cousins, who met me at the airport. In the early morning we followed the crowds to the touristy Fisherman’s Wharf area, which offers spectacular views of Alcatraz. Then we headed along the bay to the Presidio to see the famous Golden Gate Bridge. We enjoyed different varieties of the San Francisco lifestyle while visiting Mission District and the Castro. That is a district with still operating old cinemas. I like films that have a happy ending. We couldn’t leave it without watching one. The next day we were ready for a break from the city, which has some fantastic tourist attractions. Finally, we joined one of San Francisco’s best wine tours for a relaxing trip.

Begim Conor, year 19

I want to write about a weekend where you were able to take time out to do more than simply relax and reload. The memorable weekend should be something you can have with your family and friends and feel good enough to not only have a good one, but a great one. I visited the town where I spent my childhood. Taraz is a small town, which is situated in the southern part of Kazakhstan. As most of my relatives live there the first day we spent visiting them. But the next day I wanted to meet my friends at the open-air café. I like places where they don’t play loud music. There was something for everyone there and we always had a good time together. We enjoyed calm atmosphere of the town.

Alice Kratz, year 17

I went to a fencing workshop last weekend. It was the present which my parents gave me for my birthday. It was like a master class with top American fencers. After it I just really got into it and then I joined a club. Now I started competing a bit more seriously and doing it regularly. It was a memorable weekend because I started my favorite hobby.

I went to a workshop all day on Saturday

It was a weekend because I started my favorite hobby

It was the present my parents gave me for my birthday​

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Read the text and fill in the gaps.  Online forum “Memorable weekend”Our special Day-Off Package at...

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