Choose the most natural order. 4. a) I him met on the plane home. c) I him on the plane home met.

b) I met him on the plane home. d) I met on the plane him home.

5. a) She ever hardly remembers to call. c) She hardly ever remembers to call.

b) She remembers hardly ever to call. d) She remembers to call hardly ever.

6. a) Jim has always been a joker. c) Jim has been a joker always.

b) Jim has been always a joker. d) Jim always has been a joker.

7. a) Are you working still in London? c) Are still you working in London?

b) Are you still working in London? d) Still are you working in London?

8. a) I haven't found yet a better job. c) I haven't found a better job yet.

b) I yet haven't found a better job. d) I haven't found a better yet job.

9. a) He's sorted out already all those files.

b) He's sorted all those files already out.

c) He's sorted already out all those files.

d) He's already sorted out all those files.

10. a) We discussed very briefly it over lunch.

b) We very briefly discussed it over lunch.

c) We discussed it very briefly over lunch.

d) We it discussed very briefly over lunch.

11. a) This model is years already out of date.

b) This model is already years out of date.

c) Already this model is years out of date.

d) This model is years out already of date.

12. a) He to Paris four times went last month.

b) He went to Paris four times last month.

c) He went last month to Paris four times.

d) He last month went to Paris four times.
13. a) I've been on this working all morning.

b) I've been on this all morning working.

c) I've been working on this all morning.

d) I've all morning been working on this.

14. a) I think that's a very point important.

b) I think that's a point very important.

c) I think that's a very important point.

d) I think that's a important very point.

15. a) I've been many times there. c) I've there been many times.

b) I've been there many times. d) I've been many there times.​

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Choose the most natural order. 4. a) I him met on the plane home. c) I him on the plane home met.b)...

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