Вставьте the или –. 1. Have you seen … small blue bag anywhere around? 2. Can you lock … front door when you go out? 3. She’s interested in … art and … African history. 4. May I use … bathroom? 5. What’s that black stuff on … floor? 6. Is there … post office near here? 7. I’ll meet you at 8.00 outside … station. 8. I’ll drive you to … airport. What time is … plane? 9. … people are more interesting than … grammar. 10. I’ve had … interesting idea. 11. My brother is married to … doctor. 12. You’ve got … nice smile. 13. … woman in … next office comes from New York. 14. I work in … centre of Birmingham. 15. Do you like … Chinese food? 16. I’m learning …. guitar. 17. My youngest brother is … engineer. 18. I don’t know how we managed before … computer was invented. 19. What’s on … TV this evening? 20. You can’t get in here without … ticket.

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