Ever since he was a child, Aidyn Aimbetov wanted 1
(travel) into space. At school
he played sport because he knew he had to
(stay) fit and healthy. Aidyn
became a fighter pilot in 1993, and he decided
(apply) for cosmonaut
training. In 2009, he became a professional
cosmonaut, but he couldn't 4)
(go) on his first mission. He became a teacher, but he
was never too busy 5)
(work) on
his dream. He trained and studied in his spare time.
in the end, his determination paid off and he got a
place on board a spacecraft. He spent 10 days
(orbit) Earth. While Aidyn was
up there, he enjoyed 7)
back at our planet. Aidyn would like
8) ...
(go back) into space. In fact,
he is looking forward to 9)
(help) build a settlement on the Moon one day!
Aidyn's story is inspirational because he never
stopped 10)
(try) and in the end
his dreams came true.​

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Ever since he was a child, Aidyn Aimbetov wanted 1(travel) into space. At schoolhe played sport beca...

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