Writing Task. Choose ONE of the topics below. Follow the tips for writing.- 5 points
Answer all the questions.
Spell topical vocabulary accurately.
Use prepositions of time, location and direction.
Выбери одну из тем ( Topic 1 or Topic 2). Напиши ответы на все вопросы. Используй предлоги времени, направления, места

Topic 1. Our countryside
Think about your home place (home town or village) and write some information about it.
1)Where do you live? 2) Write about its location.
3)Do you like your town ?Why?
4)What is your favorite place in your town ? Where is it located in your town?
5)What can you do in your home town ? Write about some winter or summer activities and sports.

Topic 2. Drama and comedy
Think about your genre preferences and write some information about your experience.
1) Do you like watching films on the weekdays or on Sundays? Why ?
2) Can you name your favourite cinema? Where is it located?
3) How do you usually get to your favourite cinema?
4) What is your favourite movie? Why do you like it?
5) Do you and your friends like watching this cartoon?
What is the most popular cartoon among teenagers?

Task 3.Use of English Choose the best option for the sentence. – 5 points
Write for or since. Вспомни значение предлогов for, since.
Запиши предложения, вставляя верный предлог.
Example: I have lived in London ___ six months. for since

1. I have danced ___ I was small. for since
2. I haven't been on holiday ___ ages. for since
3. I haven't visited my cousin her birthday party. for since
4. I haven't been on holiday ___ last year. for since
5. She hasn't seen her jacket ___ yesterday, I think she lost it. for since

Всего ответов: 2

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Writing Task. Choose ONE of the topics below. Follow the tips for writing.- 5 pointsAnswer all the q...

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