ОЧЕНЬ Установите соответствие рубрик 1–6 текстам A–E. Каждому тексту соответствует одна рубрика. В задании одна рубрика лишняя
1.Preparing for earthquakes
2.Natural disaster effects
3.Surviving a flood
4.Disaster prediction myths
6. Survival food
Extreme levels of rain often lead to high water. It's necessary to know the real danger of the moving water: 15 cm is said to be enough to wash a person or even a vehicle away. It's safer to get to higher ground as soon as possible.

If you want to be prepared for a disaster, one of the crucial things on your to-do list is building up a stockpile. You should be very picky when choosing the items appropriate for this purpose. The products must meet the nutritional needs, be high in calories and long in storage.
If you live in a high seismic activity area, you should have an emergency kit ready to use in case of a disaster. The kit should contain bottled water, medications, non-perishable food, napkins, knife and a flashlight. When the disaster strikes, don't panic and don't flee. If you're indoors, stay there and cover yourself under a desk or a table; if you're outside, try to find an open space far from falling debris.
Twenty-five people were injured, at least three of them seriously, by a massive storm that hit the region yesterday morning. Two dozens of households were destroyed and many others severely damaged. Numerous cars are flipped over or covered in debris, the power lines and trees are brought down.
Most researchers do not believe that dogs, elephants and some other mammals can sense the danger of a natural hazard at its early stages. There are shreds of evidence describing animals' extraordinary behaviour prior to earthquakes or tsunamis. But the scientists say animals tend to change their behaviour for hundreds of reasons, which people don't understand.

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