Вставьте артикли : the. a. an или нулевой long … time ago there lived … king who had … lovely only daughter. she was … sweet and frail creature – very delicate. as … time passed, she grew weaker and weaker and soon it became obvious to all that … princess was dying. all was in … vain - … love, … money, … doctors, … nurses. then, one day, … someone found … shabby old … book in … royal library. … book proved of .. great value as it contained … remarkable recipe for curing just such … illness as … princess was suffering from. one of .. most important items was … pumpkin juice. … king seized at … chance to save his daughter’s life. so … recipe was made … up and … dose of … new cure was given to … princess. from … very first dose there was … marked change for … better, and she was soon on … road to … complete recovery.

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