Заполнить пропуски словами: accurate; publishing; graphics; networking; records; memory; retrieve; back-up; on-line; transactions; display; drive; peripherals; supplies; printer; components

Computers are being used more and more in business because they are fast, efficient and
Here are some ways in which computers are used:
- Insurance companies use them to store and 2 details of clients’ policies.
- Production departments in companies use them to ensure they have adequate 3 of raw
materials and 4.
- Banks use them for processing details of accounts and 5.
- Personnel departments use them to keep 6 of a company’s employees.
For the most part, the computers, software, and 7 that are needed depend on
individual needs. For instance, if you’re an architect you may want a system with good 8

capability. If a lot of records are to be kept, then you’ll want ample 9, perhaps even a CD-
ROM 10 for permanent storage of massive amounts of data. Regular disks can then be used

for 11 copies. For desktop 12, you may want a monitor with a full-page
13 and a high-quality laser 14. If quality printing is not so important, then a
cheaper ink-jet or even cheaper dot-matrix printer may be more suitable. If you’re in a business
where you need to do a lot of 15, then maybe you should consider a modem, so you can
communicate with other computers 16.

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