I. Определите, к какому существительному относится подчеркнутое определение, и чем оно выражено. Установите его тип. 1. The family of the doctor was not large.

2. It’s the fourth time I have come to Paris.

3. He was an old gentleman of great charm.

4. The letter that I have here is not important.

5. It’s the most exciting moment in my life.

6. We were watching the boys, playing football.

7. It was the city her friend came from.

8. He asked for a third helping of the salad.

9. I had a most tiring day.

10. In the back of her mind there was a memory of her childhood spent here.

11. The girl standing in the corner looks very shy.

12. We met the following day.

II. Вставьте в предложения слова, подходящие по смыслу, с соответствующим артиклем.
highest closest least largest most longest oldest best hardest
1. Elephants are land animals.

2. Diamond is substance known to man.

3. Kilimanjaro is mountain in Africa.

4. The Volga is river in Europe.

5. woman in Britain was 114 recently.

6. Mercury is planet to the sun.

7. Dolphins are friendly sea animals.

8. Aivazovsky is known seascape painter.

9. Helping him with money is I can do.

III. Вставьте в предложения слова, подходящие по смыслу с соответствующим артиклем.
left first last next opposite only right same wrong
1. Neil Armstrong was man on the moon.

2. “I’m sorry I’m late. I caught bus.” – “Well in future try to catch one.

3. What a coincidence! We live in street.

4. time you see Mary tell her I miss her.

5. He was person present. Everyone else has left.

6. He waited until possible moment, then jumped.

7. Joanne hasn’t changed; she’s as ever.

8. What a surprise! You’re person I expected to see.

9. She took seat so we could see each other.

10. Communists belong to wing parties.

Всего ответов: 2

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