Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. C: Helen Simpson? I (not/see) you for ages!
H: Clare? It's great to see you again! Where (you/be) all this time?
C: I (just/come) back from London! You really (change) since we last saw each other. You (look) wonderful!
H: Well, I (put) on some weight, I'm afraid. And my hair is shorter than before. When (we/last/see) each other? I can't remember.
C: Let me think. I (believe) the last time was when we graduated, four years ago.
H: What (you/do) since then?
C: I (study) in London. What about you?
H: I (be) very busy lately. I (work) as a fashion designer for half a year now.
C: Do you still live with your parents?
H: No, I (live) in a flat in the town centre. It's nice.
C: How long (you/have) it?
H: Since last year. It's a large flat, with three bedrooms. I (try) to rent the two extra rooms, but no one has turned up yet.
C: Well, I (look) for a room since I arrived! I'd really like to have a look at them.

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Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. C: Helen Simpson? I (not/see)...

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