A few years ago I spent a holiday in Indonesia, and while I was there I took/was taking a boat
trip to a remote island. I have always been
interested in birds and was being told / had
been told that there was some great bird-
watching on the islands. As soon as we reached
our destination, everyone I went/ had gone in
different directions to explore. I was so keen to
do the same that I hadn't listened / wasn't
listening when the guide told us what time to
return to the boat. I set off had set off towards
a beach I could see in the distance, where I had
hoped / hoped to find some interesting birds.
After spending some time looking at some
fabulous wildlife through my binoculars, and
after I'had taken/was taking several
photographs, I suddenly Shad realized / realized
that I had no idea what the time was, or when
we were meant to be back at the boat. I quickly
gathered my things and raced / was racing
back when I saw the boat disappearing into the
distance. Luckily, one of the other passengers
10 was noticing / had noticed that I was missing
and the boat soon tumed around to pick me up.
Much as I loved the island, I didn't really want
to spend the night there alone!
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A few years ago I spent a holiday in Indonesia, and while I was there I took/was taking a boat trip...

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