Вставьте предлоги, где они нужны. 1. How many companies will take part (1) ... the exhibition?

2. I’d like to get (2) ... touch (3) ... your Sales Manager to negotiate some business matters.

3. The display (4) ... clothes (5) ... the exhibition attracted the attention (6) ... many visitors and demonstrated the achievements (7) ... their designers.

4. The new model (8) ... refrigerator was introduced (9) ... the market. (10)... the Japanese company. It is very popular (11) ... the buyers who are impressed (12) ... its performance and design.

5. Jack’s new car is (13)... high quality. It is easy (14) ... operation and can run (15)... a speed (16) ... 200 kilometres an hour.

6. The concerts (22)... which famous musicians take part are very popular (23)... the people (24)... Moscow.

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Вставьте предлоги, где они нужны. 1. How many companies will take part (1) ... the exhibition?2. I’d...

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