Вставьте some, any или no. 1. There is ... water in my glass. I'd like to drink. 2. There are ... beautiful pictures on the walls. Look at them. 3. Can I have ... more milk? 4. Have you got ... friends? - Yes, I have 5. Are there ... pencils is your pencil-box? Give me ..., please. 6. She went to the shop, but she didn't buy ... eggs. 7. He has read ... 20 pages. 8. Did they send you ... letters from England? 9. Why have …... students gone home? 10. Have you found ... mushrooms' in the wood? 11. I'm thirsty. Give me ... tea, please. 12. Have you got ... time to go to the cinema? 13. Are there ... pupils in the class-room? - Yes, there are 14. Don't forget to buy ... sugar. 15. Where did you leave ... of your books?

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Вставьте some, any или no. 1. There is ... water in my glass. I'd like to drink. 2. There are ... be...

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