Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Caught red-handed, whereupon he had (to strike) with a piece of iron pipe at the officer who surprised him and then lay on the ground

Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams stopped and stood staring at George Willard. The boy’s body shook as _ a chill. Again the man’s voice became soft and low. “She came into the room naked,” he went on. “Her mother did that.
 (*ответ*) from
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams was a man of courage. A thing had happened to him that made him hate life, and he hated it whole-heartedly, with the abandon of a poet. First of all, he hated women. “Bitches,” he called them. His feeling toward men was somewhat different. He pitied them. “Does not every man let his life be managed _ him by some bitch or another?” he asked
 (*ответ*) for
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams, the telegraph operator of Winesburg, was the ugliest thing in town. His girth was immense, his neck thin, his legs feeble. He was dirty. Everything _ him was unclean. Even the whites of his eyes looked soiled
 (*ответ*) about
Choose the right preposition: Wash Williams’ voice rose to half scream. “I sat in the parlor of that house two hours. Her mother took me in there and left me. Their house was stylish. They were what is called respectable people. There were plush chairs and a couch _ the room. I was trembling all over
 (*ответ*) in
Choose the right preposition: When the hem of her garment touched my face I trembled. When after two years of that life I found she had managed to acquire three other lovers who came regularly to our house when I was away at work, I didn’t want to touch them or her. I just sent her home _ her mother and said nothing
 (*ответ*) to
Choose the right preposition: When they reached the edge of town the hearse was going quite fast. Now they flashed past the metal sigh which said Jefferson. Corporate limit, and the pavement vanished, slanting away _ another long hill, becoming gravel
 (*ответ*) into
Choose the right preposition: While I sat there she was taking the girl’s clothes off, perhaps coaxing her to do it. First I heard voices _ the door that led into a little hallway and then it opened softly
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: Will it tire you to be told again that Aileen was beautiful? Had she donned a few hundred dollars’ worth _ clothes and joined the Easter parade, and had you seen her, you would have hastened to say so yourself
 (*ответ*) of
Choose the right preposition: You are not Bogle’s friend; you are a fed, transient customer, and you and he may not meet again until the blowing of Gabriel’s dinner horn. So take your change and go – _ the devil if you like. There you have Bogle’s sentiments
 (*ответ*) to
Choose the right preposition: “Don’t have fool notions in your head,” he commanded. “My wife, she is dead; yes, surely. I tell you, all women are dead, my mother, your mother, that tall dark woman who works in the millinery store and with whom I saw you walking about yesterday – all of them, they are all dead. I tell you there is something rotten _ them
 (*ответ*) about
Choose the right preposition: Aileen could successfully exchange repartee against a dozen... once. And every smile that she sent forth lodged, like pellets from a scatter-gun, in as many hearts
 (*ответ*) at
Choose the right preposition: And all this while she would be performing astounding feats with orders of pork and beans, pot roasts, ham-and, sausage-and-the-wheats, and any quantity of things _ the iron and in the pan and straight up and on the side
 (*ответ*) on
Choose the right preposition: With all this feasting and flirting and merry exchange of wit Bogle’s came mighty being a salon, with Aileen _ its Madame Recamier
 (*ответ*) for
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: . If she had also been able to divine where the boy was and what his trouble was, he would not (to have) been surprised, and it was only later that he thought to be surprised at how quickly he did find where the boy was and what was wrong
 (*ответ*) have
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And during the remainder of that hot and now windless afternoon, while officials from the city hall, and justices of the peace and bailiffs (to come) fifteen and twenty miles from the ends of the country
 (*ответ*) come
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And he (will) come in on Number Four the day after tomorrow and we will meet it, Miss Worsham and his grandmother, the old nigger, in my car and you and me in yours
 (*ответ*) will
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And maybe fifty around the square. But the rest of it is you and me, because she insisted on (to leave) twenty-five with me, which is just twice what I tried to persuade her it would cost and just exactly four times what she can afford to pay
 (*ответ*) leaving
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And that night after supper he walked through the breathless and star-(to fill) darkness to Miss Worsham’s house on the edge of town and knocked on the paintless front door
 (*ответ*) filled
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And that’s who I am to find, save, Stevens thought. Because he did not for a moment (to doubt) the old Negress’s instinct
 (*ответ*) doubt
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: And Tildy was content to be the unwooed drudge if Aileen could receive the flattery and the hommage. The blunt nose was loyal to the short Grecian. She was Aileen’s friend; and she was glad to see her rule hearts and (to wean) the attention of men from smoking pot-pie and lemon meringue
 (*ответ*) wean
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Because he did not for a moment doubt the old Negress’s instinct And not the sheriff, the police, he (to think). Something broader, quicker in scope
 (*ответ*) thought
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: But it don’t look like I can (to help) myself. By Jupiter,’ he said ‘even if I could help myself, the novelty will be almost worth it
 (*ответ*) help
Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Caught red-handed, whereupon he had (to strike) with a piece of iron pipe at the officer who surprised him and then lay on the ground where the officer had felled him with a pistol-butt, cursing through his broken mouth, his teeth fixed into something like furious laughter through the blood
 (*ответ*) struck
Всего ответов: 2

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Put the verb in brackets in the right form: Caught red-handed, whereupon he had (to strike) with a p...

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