Replace the phrases in bold with the ones below. Having a sister is great, but having a twin sister is fantastic! Suzan understands me completely, and 1) never leaves my side when I need her.

Replace the phrases in bold with the ones below.
Having a sister is great, but having a twin sister is fantastic! Suzan understands me completely, and 1) never leaves my side when I need her.
This doesn’t mean that we don't have our share of problems, though. We may be very similar in character and appearance, but each of us still has habits that 2) really annoy the other. For example, Suzan 3) hates it very much when I play Ioud music. She also says that when I call someone, 4) I talk to them for hours and hours! As for me, I really don’t like the fact that Suzan 5) always leaves her side of our room messy. This means that I have to clean the whole room, which 6) makes me very angry.
But all these don't really matter. No matter how angry we sometimes make each other, we always forgive one another in the end!
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Replace the phrases in bold with the ones below. Having a sister is great, but having a twin sister...

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