Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraphs (1-7). There is one heading that you do not need to use. 1 In the 1950s teen fashion took its cue from role models like James

Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraphs (1-7). There is one heading that you do not need to use.
1 In the 1950s teen fashion took its cue from role models like James Dean. Boys dressed in tight jeans and white T-shirts. In the sixties, the hippie look emerged with long hair, tye-dyed shirts and floor-length dresses. During the seventies, teenage fashion was influenced by disco. Flared trousers and platform shoes became the latest trend.
2 Friendship is important at every stage of life but especially so during adolescence. The teenage years are a time of great change. It is during these years that young people become less dependent on their parents and turn to their peers to meet their emotional needs.
3 Exam time can cause panic for a tot of you. It is important, however, to talk to your teachers and parents if you feel unmanageable amounts of stress. They will be able to support you and give you advice. And always remember to keep everything in perspective. There is life after exams!
4 One of the most difficult things a teenager can face is the divorce of his or her parents. Every year, millions of children experience exactly this. While most teens adjust well to this life changing situation, a significant number have trouble coping. If someone you know is going through such a tough time, let them know that you are there for them.
5 Everyone knows that smoking is a health hazard. Yet every year, thousands of teenagers take it up. At some point, most teenagers will find themselves in a situation where they are offered a cigarette. Many teens end up taking a puff because they don't want to look 'uncool'. If you are asked, remember to be strong. A moment of peer pressure is not worth a lifetime of addiction!
6 Most teens desire more things than they can afford. The latest mobile an Pod trainers, jeans... there is always a new 'must-have' item. Some teens resort to shoplifting to get what they want. The results are always disastrous. A police record, disappointed parents.... So be smart and get a part-time job to save for the things you want. The satisfaction you'll get from buying something yourself will surprise you!
7 Victims of school bullies often keep the fact that they are being harassed to themselves. Too afraid to tell teachers or parents because they are worried that the bullying will get worse if the bully becomes aware he has been reported, they keep their suffering to themselves. But this is a mistake. Teachers and parents have the experience to stop bullying without any negative consequences for the victim. So, If you are being bullied or know someone who is, speak up!
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Match the headings (A-H) to the paragraphs (1-7). There is one heading that you do not need to use....

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