This is the way Yale Richmond, an American author, describes Russians in his book From Nyet to Da. 1) What conclusions does the author come to? Why does he think so?

This is the way Yale Richmond, an American author, describes Russians in his book From Nyet to Da.
1) What conclusions does the author come to? Why does he think so? (reading for detail)
Russians are impressed with size and numbers, and much that they do is on a grand scale (высокий уровень). This is not unusual for such a vast country. Russians think and act big.
Russians think of themselves as members of the community rather than as individuals. The origin of the Russian communalism lies deep in the vastness of the Great Russian Plain.
Nature has not been kind to Russia. Much of European Russia and Siberia is very cold most of the year. In Old Russia, people could do little during winter months. But in spring there was much to be done, and in a short period of time. This explains why Russians often are inactive for Iong periods of time and then show bursts of energy. The harsh climate explains the Russians’ strength, their ability to overcome hardships, as well as their patience and submission. Climate has also made them cautious.
Their cruel climate, harsh history, and sceptical outlook (взгляд) on life have made Russians value (ценить) stability, security, social order, and predictability, and to avoid (избегать) risk.
To understand the Russians, one must know where they come from.
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This is the way Yale Richmond, an American author, describes Russians in his book From Nyet to Da....

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